Feb 21, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Wow this brought back some memories! I think most of us would have gone through this if you are around my age! I feel like growing up in the late eighties early nineties, it was simpler times. But then again, not sure if things are worse now or if they have always been bad? Maybe the internet/social media just makes us see more of how messed up the world is as opposed to the nineties when we didn’t really have as much access to people and information. But yeah... unplugging every once in a while is definitely a good shout! Great read once again.

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Yeah I think the 90’s felt fine cuz we were oblivious but it probably would have been just as bad with the internet 🤣

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Hah! Your console wars reference hit home for me. How might we create a new tribe that rejects the divisive tribal choices presented by the mainstream while embracing the common goodness desire by all gamers?

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Haha, am trying, one article and one shitpost at a time 🤣

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Finding “common ground” seems illegal at this point. When I can find it with someone it makes conversations, and just being around them much easier. I mostly keep to myself (besides the occasional twitter shit post) politics in my late teen years made me unlikeable to half and likable to half. I’d rather just be me to the masses. So I dropped the politics, and started just living not worried about what the entire corrupt government both and left and right are doing. After all I can’t single handedly change the outcome so what’s the point?

Great read billiam. You should release a book id say. (Unless you have one and I’m lost.)

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"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." is a perfect quote IMO

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

I’ve never heard that quote! It’s a good one for sure. Wish more people could open up their mind to something like this. But then again, it’s out of my control. 🤔

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Nice stuff Billy!

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Thank you! :)

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

It’s like I was sent back in time to younger me re-living almost that exact moment in time.

So true on how tribalism is engrained and we have to actively self evaluate to remain in a pseudo neutral state.

The trick is having an opinion and understanding why, but then also continuing to “check yourself” to make sure you haven’t given in to that tribalistic nature.

Dope read man.

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yeah, constant self-checking is the only way to not get sucked into the hyper boring brain disorder that we are hard wired for T_T

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto


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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Dude this is fantastic.

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deletedFeb 20, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto
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An article on how crypto is cringe would be based. Kinda like your last spaces. Love your vision and mindset. 😬

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