Feb 6, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

I think the issues is what we poke fun at today is funny to us and a small percentage with a loud voice is offensive, or racist, or transphobic meanwhile it’s actually just funny and has nothing to do with any of those. And they consider that bullying. But then I could bully someone and actually be a dick and be perfectly fine in societies eyes.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Nice one billiam, trolling is a necessary part of our lives. If humor dies then the world dies that’s basically all we have left at this point. Schools should be teaching trolling. It’s a form of art.

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haha, i'd take that class

but really this is more about how we as a culture see "poking fun at things" in years past vs today, poking fun is not tolerated, but bullying is... i find it really odd

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Not a troller, tbh, just a troll aficionado. Hilarious to me that you used to do this. You are extolling a Lost Art: non-biting humor aimed so that, when we are “punked” thru being trolled, we allow ourselves the human vulnerability to laugh at the teasing, the trolling, the community who is enjoying it. Seeing it for what it is, instead of bringing out the swords. Love to see life breathed into this again. Do we ever need to unbutton all the triggers we have collected along the way, geez.

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Yeah - I think "shitposting" has replaced the old definition of "trolling," as shitposting doesn't generally have negativity or malice behind it, just messing around

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