Jan 24, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Great read! This concept right here all day everyday:

“Never lose the childlike wonder. Show gratitude. Don’t complain, just work harder.”

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I have "don't complain, just work harder" on my desk.

I don't necessarily follow the advice, but it is good advice xD

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I don't have much words.

Just moved by this whole thing.

It will stay inside me I can feel.

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I'm glad they were meaningful to you! :)

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Olé Olé Olé!!! Quite possibly some divine inspiration took hold of you whilst preparing this. Went through a rollercoaster of emotions reading and listening to those speeches. I feel so blessed and happy to be alive and healthy. I also feel like I definitely need to work on myself as a person to strive to be better. Some quotes that will stick with me for sure…”Don’t bail. The best of the gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap!” and “Find the best in everybody no matter how long it takes”. Thanks for sharing this. I had never seen any of those speakers. I hope this feeling sticks and doesn’t fade when I wake up tomorrow. 🙏🏻

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Oh yay! I'm glad you got something out of them! Inspiration is something that is so fleeting for me, so I feel really appreciative whenever I can feel inspired, and each of these speeches inspired me in many ways, so I'm really happy to share them with others as well who haven't seen them.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Really great stuff man

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